Do you remember or know someone who lived through the devastating tornado that hit Brisbane in 1973? Yeronga, Taringa, Moorooka and Nathan were the suburbs hardest hit.
If you have stories or photos to share about the 1973 Brisbane Tornado we’d love to hear them. Drop by the ASHG History Room at Yeronga Community Centre on Saturday 1 March between 10.00 am and 1.00 pm. Busy on 1 March – but have photographs or stories to share? Contact us on either [email protected] or [email protected]
The stories and photos collected will contribute to a talk about the 1973 Brisbane Tornado to be presented by Michelle Mills later in 2025 on 1 November.
Great turnout for History Alive, our first event of the year. It was a fun night of engaging with local history and each other. It was all of that plus some. We covered world events, local events and people and had a singing substitute round with our songsters, Denis and Leah. Everybody was a winner on the night!!!
Here’s a few ‘did you know’ questions from History Alive.
Did you pick the location of the photo (below) on the poster? Answer: Cnr Fairfield Rd and Cowper St.
Are you confused about the boundaries of the former Stephens Shire (amalgamated into Brisbane City Council in 1925)? As the Annerley-Stephens history group this is the question we get asked most frequently. If you’ve been wondering, wonder no more. Our guests at the ASHG trivia night were organised into the main boundaries as per the image below:
Did you know that the Entrance Gates to Yeronga Memorial Park off Ipswich Rd have two (WW1) Dedication plaques which read on one side of the gates: ‘This tablet is Dedicated to the Women Workers of the Stephens Shire’ (see below) and on the other:’These gates were erected by the Women of Stephens Shire in Honour of the men who fought for them.’
Thank you for coming!!
Guess the song and the book chapter (Memories of Stephens and Women of Stephens).
Start off 2025 with a fun night of fun and games with local history as ASHG kicks off 2025 with some active history. Find out some fun historical facts about the local area, meet other members, find out what’s coming up in 2025. Have a cuppa and a light supper.
Below: Where is this? Who remembers the Yeronga Service Store? Come along on February 3rd and find the answer or share your story about the shop!
From all of us at Annerley-Stephens History Group Inc have a wonderful festive season with your family and friends. Thanks for all you support in 2024 and we’ll see you in 2025.
ASHG has had a wonderful year settling into our new permanent premises at History Room in Yeronga Community Centre. We had our last drop in day for 2024 on Wednesday 11 December!!
History room drop in days kick off on Wednesday 22 January!
Join us for History Alive on Monday February 3 2025 at 7.00 after the first Business meeting for 2025.
ASHG held its annual general meeting on 4 November. It was a lovely night of members celebrating a great year over some refreshments.
A big thanks to all members, volunteers and contributors who’ve made our year so successful. It’s been a big year establishing our new home at Yeronga Community Centre.
At the meeting we passed the audited statements and elected the new Committee who are: President Pauline Peel; Vice President Jeff Brunne; Treasurer Glenda Sheaffe; Secretary Kate Dyson, Committee member and Membership Secretary Kit Watters, Committee member Denis Peel and Committee member Jeanette Wiley.
A big thanks to the outgoing President Jeff Brunne for his contribution over the past three years as we prepared to move into our new home at Yeronga Community Centre. We thank him for staying on as Vice President.
Thank you to Janis Hanley for her time on the Committee and for her continued commitment to ASHG.
Above: The ASHG Committee from left Denis Peel, Jeanette Wiley, Kit Watters, Pauline Peel, Kate Dyson, Jeff Brunne. Missing is Treasurer Glenda Sheaffe who was unable to attend the AGM. Photo is courtesy of Janis Hanley.
We’d love to have you join our group and there a many ways you can be involved – researching, coming to events, participating in events, and following us online. Click here for more details.
Membership cost is currently $10 per year.
Help support a vibrant local history community. Read more about the benefits of joining here.
New members
You can join online, send us an email, or pay in person, See details below.
The ’74 Floods are well known, but do you remember or know someone who lived through the devastating tornado that hit Brisbane in 1973? Yeronga, Taringa, Moorooka and Nathan were the suburbs hardest hit. Bring[...]
Want to unlock the history of your home? Intrigued by a building in your neighbourhood? Want to discover more, but not sure where to start? Learn practical, foundational skills for researching buildings and land with[...]
Lest We Forget – but what are we Remembering. Learning and unlearning about the Great War with guest speaker, Mark Cryle Dr Mark Cryle is a published historian, presenter, teacher and resident of Dutton Park.[...]