Talking History: Lost Houses: Do the stories disappear with the houses?

Talking History: Lost Houses: Do the stories disappear with the houses?

Are houses ever really ‘lost’ when the stories are told?

The discussion will be facilitated by Denis Peel, ASHG member and long term ‘finder’ of ‘lost houses’ since he became interested in the State Library’s Eunice and Frank Corley house photo collection.

Denis is joined by Lyn Burnett and John Horder who will tell the stories of their childhood homes in Albemarle Street, Yeerongpilly and Dudley Street West, Annerley. These are homes that are both ‘lost’ and ‘found’. Kate Dyson will talk about ‘lost’ houses that were controversially removed like 65 Park Rd and a ‘mystery’ house that was removed, later thought to have been demolished but perhaps wasn’t….

Have you a got a story to share? Bring it along. We’d love to hear it.

Local author Ashley Hay in a recent article in The Monthly, May 2024 writes about the houses that are being lost during the process of flood buybacks in the local area. She writes: ‘Presence and Absence. Absence and presence. The streets of our town are being transformed, yes. This is what is happening now.’

ASHG aims to contribute towards collecting the stories of our transformed streets and homes so that despite their absence their presence remains.

The event is free. Donations are appreciated and help the organisation to continue its work.

RSVP to [email protected]

19 Albemarle Street, Tarragindi – could you find it today?

59 Dudley Street West Annerley – a home, a home-away-from-home, and a home with a new life.

Juliette Street, Annerley. Circa 1970s. From the Frank and Eunice Corley house photo collection in the State Library of Queensland. What is the man in the window looking at?

6 Inchcape Street – this piece of land has seen more than one house but the stories are still there. What is happening in this photo and when was it taken?

Launch of Memories of Stephens

Launch of Memories of Stephens

ASHG is excited to be launching a new publication, Memories of Stephens, compiled by Stephen Sheaffe AM. This is the latest publication produced by ASHG that tells the stories of the Annerley-Stephens area. It brings together the papers from the Memories of Stephens conference held in October 2023 at Our Lady’s College, Annerley. Several extra articles about the area are included.

Memories of Stephens has been edited by Stephen Sheaffe AM in conjunction with Associate Professor Gary Osmond.

The book was launched with guest speaker Dr Denver Beanland AM on Monday 2nd September 7.00 pm at Yeronga Community Centre, 62 Park Rd., Yeronga (enter via Villa Street).

PCopies of the books are on sale at the launch for $25.00.

There are 21 chapters in the fascinating new publication that features stories about the rich history of Yeronga, Annerley, Fairfield and surrounding suburbs. The beautiful cover gives a hint of the richness and diversity of the stories inside.

Expect to find a treasure trove of topics including the early history of Yeronga; the Chinese of Ekibin and Moorooka; local scouts and railways; Churches, families, landmarks and; stories of WW11 and heritage-listed properties.

The book includes wonderful images. Here is a glimpse of just some of the papers and related images. .

The photo below is a section from the Greenslopes State School mural and relates to the Chinese of Stephens written by Dr Janis Hanley and Jan Richardson. The photo is on the front cover.

Jeanette Wiley looks at Tennyson in her paper From Softstone to Tennyson. Below is an early image of the Brisbane River taken from Jeanette’s paper. The image is on the back cover of the book.

Two of the papers consider rail history: Along the South Coast Railway Line (Greg Hallam and Dr Ruth Kerr) and Railway Lines and Stations in Stephens (Railway Lines and Stations in Stephens). The image below is of the 1936 train derailment at Fairfield Station.

Bill Metcalfe takes us through the Toohey Forest Land-Use History. Below is a photo of the beautiful Frog Rock in Toohey Forest.

The launch follows the ASHG monthly meeting which commences at 6.00 pm.

A creative heritage walk through the life and characters of author Jessica Anderson

A creative heritage walk through the life and characters of author Jessica Anderson

Heritage is best experienced in place – not musty conference halls or footnoted tomes. A Walk in the Warm Zone is an encounter of the living heritage kind.

The walk, created by Pauline Peel and supported by a team of contributors was launched last Friday. It starts in Villa street Annerley and explores the surrounds through the writings of well known author Jessica Anderson.

Heritage resides is the living fabric of communities. We can really only access this heritage by walking streets, paying attention to the surrounds, connecting with others, exploring forgotten corners and sharing stories.

History becomes our-story, through the magic of storytelling as the many threads, and the layers of the past that haunt places, are acknowledged, shared, and become entangled with our own life experiences.

These ongoing encounters maintain a living heritage — adapting, and constantly renewing, as stories are re-told, and places re-experienced.

The walk

A walk in the warm zone, cleverly weaves together place, fiction, memory, and performance, seeking out and enriching this living heritage.

Jessica Anderson’s fictional characters reflect her own experiences growing up in Annerley-Yeronga in the 1920s. All are brought to life. Denis’s performances as Jessica’s Dad, steels the show, bringing both humour and hard truths.

Through the walk, Pauline Peel gently takes us by the hand, leading us to places thick with memory.

Together we visit the backyard of Jessica’s childhood and follow her memories through the back gate into Yeronga Memorial Park. We gather outside her primary school, and sit in the pews of the church she insisted on attending.

Along the way we hear about discoveries made by current owners of Jessica’s house, as well a reminiscences by the team members, Jeanette and Wendie who grew up in the area during WWII and post-war. Their memories of park and school entwine with the experiences of Jessica’s characters.

Finishing up at ASHG’s history room in Villa Street gave us a chance for a cuppa and a chat.

This walk is creative heritage at its best: collaborative, artful, and engaging the senses. It affects, at times deeply, and at other times playfully. It is an inspiring co-created mash-up of performance, creative writing, memory, artefacts and storytelling.

The Inspiration

Pauline writes of her inspiration for telling Jessica Anderson’s stories in this way.

The making

It is founded on considerable research and is a collaboration. PaulineASHGs Villa Street Project brought collaborators, and revealed local knowledge, further developing these ideas. Denis Peel, Jeanette Wiley, Kate Dyson, Wendie Hirsch and various community members contributed to the making of this event.

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