ASHG were delighted to be invited to the 50th birthday celebration of the All Gauge Model Railway Club.
It’s quite a story of a tenacious group of people keeping the club together through many changes of clubhouse. Their history dates back to 1973. The club are publishing their history in instalments – see Part 1 AGMRC.

The evening of course was a Christmas celebration as well, and was generously catered for with roast dinner – and of course the delicious birthday cake after. The champagne flowed.
A lovely connection has developed between All Gauge, ASHC and Community Plus over the years. It seems an odd coupling, but the three are about to share the new premises at the Yeronga Community Centre.
ASHG, Community Plus and All Gauge Model Railway together were the Colocators group, providing input to the needs of the three groups which will inhabit the centre.
Community Plus is the primary tenant.
The Yeronga Community Centre will be handed over to these very happy new tenants in the following week.
Very exciting times, May these connections continue to deepen and new ones be forged.
All aboard every one (I know – corny – I want to say ‘Mind the gap’ but it would be odd). All the best!