The ‘sneaky peak’ at Villa Street Monday night was quite a reveal. The video below gives a sense of the evening.

A snapshot of the ‘Sneaky Peak at Villa Street’ evening by J.Hanley

So much work has been done by the Villa Street team: Jeanette, Timna, Pauline, Wendie, Kate, Denis.

The Villa Street Team: Jeanette Wiley, Timna, Wendy Hirsch, Pauline Peel, Kate Dyson, Denis Peel.

The evening was well attended, and included former and current locals from Villa Street who have contributed to the project.

It was excellent to have some of them gather for a photo after the talk – to record a moment in time for Villa Street.

Villa Street locals who attended – and their street number connections, some past, some present.

View the Villa Street PowerPoint for slides and transcript of the evening’s presentation put together by the team clicking ‘Download’ button below.

The project also shows the huge advantage that having a history room has been to ASHG – a place for people to drop by and share memories, stories, photos and things.

A number of Villa Street artefacts were on display

The project is entering its final stage of research gathering. If you have information or photos about Villa Street, past or present, let us know. You can drop by any Wednesday between 9.00 am -12.00 pm. Or drop us a line on our email: [email protected].

We are very happy to make a time to meet with you.

We’ll be ruling a line on this research stage of the project by end June 2024.