ASHG is excited to be launching a new publication, Memories of Stephens, compiled by Stephen Sheaffe AM. This is the latest publication produced by ASHG that tells the stories of the Annerley-Stephens area. It brings together the papers from the Memories of Stephens conference held in October 2023 at Our Lady’s College, Annerley. Several extra articles about the area are included.
Memories of Stephens has been edited by Stephen Sheaffe AM in conjunction with Associate Professor Gary Osmond.
The book was launched with guest speaker Dr Denver Beanland AM on Monday 2nd September 7.00 pm at Yeronga Community Centre, 62 Park Rd., Yeronga (enter via Villa Street).
PCopies of the books are on sale at the launch for $25.00.
There are 21 chapters in the fascinating new publication that features stories about the rich history of Yeronga, Annerley, Fairfield and surrounding suburbs. The beautiful cover gives a hint of the richness and diversity of the stories inside.
Expect to find a treasure trove of topics including the early history of Yeronga; the Chinese of Ekibin and Moorooka; local scouts and railways; Churches, families, landmarks and; stories of WW11 and heritage-listed properties.
The book includes wonderful images. Here is a glimpse of just some of the papers and related images. .
The photo below is a section from the Greenslopes State School mural and relates to the Chinese of Stephens written by Dr Janis Hanley and Jan Richardson. The photo is on the front cover.
Jeanette Wiley looks at Tennyson in her paper From Softstone to Tennyson. Below is an early image of the Brisbane River taken from Jeanette’s paper. The image is on the back cover of the book.
Two of the papers consider rail history: Along the South Coast Railway Line (Greg Hallam and Dr Ruth Kerr) and Railway Lines and Stations in Stephens (Railway Lines and Stations in Stephens). The image below is of the 1936 train derailment at Fairfield Station.
Bill Metcalfe takes us through the Toohey Forest Land-Use History. Below is a photo of the beautiful Frog Rock in Toohey Forest.
The launch follows the ASHG monthly meeting which commences at 6.00 pm.
Join Pauline, Jeanette and Wendie to Walk in the Warm Zone starting outside 48 Villa Street at 9.45 am on Friday 21 June and Saturday 22 June.
Walk in the Warm Zone celebrates the Australian author Jessica Anderson (1916-2010), who grew up at 56 Villa Street in the 1920s and early 1930s. Her family were Charles and Alice Queale and she had three siblings.
Jessica Anderson drew on her memories of her Brisbane childhood in her writing including Tirra Lirra by the River which won the Miles Franklin Award, Stories from the Warm Zone and Sydney Stories and her short memoir Starting too Late. Jessica Anderson referred to Stories from the Warm Zone and Sydney Stories as autobiographical fiction.
Walk in the Warm Zone combines local history with the richness of Jessica Anderson’s writing. At the end of the walk we hope you can join us in the ASHG History Room, Yeronga Community Centre to continue to talk history and have a cup of tea.
In January Annerley-Stephen’s History Group (ASHG) moved into their new home at the brand new Community Plus+ Yeronga Community Centre.
The YCC had its official opening on Thursday 31 May at a packed event that started with a traditional smoking ceremony, followed by Welcome to Country, the ribbon cutting ceremony and a morning tea. Congratulations to Community Plus+ YCC and all who contributed to making this brilliant new centre possible.
ASHG are proud to be located in the YCC and were pleased to greet visitors in our room. The All Gauge Model Rail Group (AGMRG) also had their room open to visitors.
The outcomes of having a permanent home were apparent. On show were the current maps and documents display (thanks Mark Baker) and the Villa Street community project (thanks to the Villa Street project team and past and current residents). Visitors were introduced to our upcoming talks and walks, our publications and the opportunity to become a member. . Visitors were inspired and excited by the history room.
Thanks to the members who set up the history room and multi purpose room displays and all the members who were at the launch and who shared their knowledge and passion for local history with the visitors. Thank you Kate, Pauline and Kerry (and Brisbane Living Heritage) for the photos.
Aunty Debby Sandy gave the Welcome to Country. Mark Bailey conducted the Official Opening and the President of Community Plus+ was the MC.
The Smoking Ceremony was an invitation to all who came into the centre.
Guests listened intently at the launch held in the multi purpose room. The ASHG display is in the background.
A display of maps and documents available to local history researchers are on the display in the history room.
Proud ASHG members.
Villa Street community project …. the people, the stories.
Jim, Robin and Jeff. Enjoying the history on display. The painting on display is of 85 Villa Street. It was painted by Robin and Jeff’s daughter Sonia 35 years ago as a student at Yeronga High School.
The ASHG display window currently features a display recognising Reconciliation Week. We were pleased to be able to take Aunty Debby Sandy through the history room. Aunty Debby gave the Welcome to Country and began with Wai Bulka (welcome). She was delighted to see Wai Bulka in our displaying welcoming all to the history room.
More happy people talking history.
Talking publications – having at chat about the Women of Stephens.
ASHG has been engaging with former and current residents of Villa Street, Yeronga to gather stories, photos and documents that tell the history of Villa Street.
It is a work in progress. On Tuesday 7 May at 7.00 pm the Villa Street team will share some of the early findings about this beautiful street.
The talk will follow the business meeting at 6.00 pm.
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