Park Rd.

On 2nd September ASHG’s newest publication, Memories of Stephens compiled by Stephen Sheaffe AM will be launched by Dr Denver Beanland AM at the Yeronga Community Centre. Memories of Stephens brings together the presentations from the 2023 Memories of Stephens conference together with additional contributions.
The book contains 21 chapters: 12 that were delivered at the ASHG conference held on 21 October 2023; 9 were delivered by title only for publication.
The subject matters of the chapters include the early history of Yeronga, the history of the scouts, the railway, the Wilderness and Tarragindi, local churches, Dr Winterbotham, the suburb of Tennyson, families who lived in the Stephens Shire, Toohey Forrest Park, Chinese gardens, a WWII tram accident and the properties in the Shire that are on the heritage list.
The books cost $25.00 each and will be available for sale at the book launch.