ASHG is excited to share its program of events for June – November.
The Wednesday morning drop in days will continue providing a relaxed opportunity each week to talk history.
We’re doing things a little differently in the second part of the year with a walk, events at two of our local libraries, the first Saturday afternoon Talking History events and a book launch. Watch out for more information about each event.
On the 10th August ASHG is excited to be back at Annerley library for a morning talk at 10.30 am. Dr Janis Hanley will discuss Ekibin’s Chinese past and explore the extent of Chinese market gardens from the late 1880s to post WW2.
The Memories of Stephens, the compilation of articles from the 2023 conference will be launched by Dr Denver Beanland at the Yeronga Community Centre at 7.00 pm.
On Saturday morning 28th September Lyn Burnett, John Horder and Denis Peel consider Lost Houses and the stories that they tell.
On the afternoon of 26th October Jeff Brunne will be at the Fairfield Library looking at the question Why is Fairfield so Different.
For our last event of the year ASHG is very pleased to host Dr Kevin Rains discussing Cross River Rail Archeology on Saturday 16th November at 2.00 pm.
Monthly meetings are held at 6.00 pm on the first Monday of the month unless it is a public holiday when the meeting is held on a Tuesday.